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Multi Grain Flour (Ragi Enriched)


Nourish your family with Instant Rasoi’s Multi-grain atta, enriched with Ragi and Khapli wheat! This power-packed blend combines the calcium-rich benefits of Ragi with the nutritional goodness of Khapli wheat. Make healthier rotis, parathas, and more, perfect for a balanced diet and active lifestyle.

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Benefits Of Multi Grain Flour (Ragi Enriched)

Power-Packed Flour
The perfect combo of bajra, raagi, and desi chana gives you steady energy to power through your day.

Feel Fuller, Longer
High in fiber and protein, it keeps hunger at bay, making it ideal for a balanced diet.

Help in Diabetes
Contains low glycemic index grains like bajra and jau, which help control blood sugar spikes effectively.

Low Glycemic Index
A balanced blend of grains that release energy slowly, keeping you fuller and energized for longer.

High Fibre
Enriched with dietary fiber from gehu, bajra, and jau, supporting digestion, gut health, and weight management.


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